Tuesday, September 6, 2011

AdVentures driving in south dakota

On the road in south Dakota now as we have been for the last 5 hours. The sky is huge! We have seen many happily grazing cows, haystacks, fields of sunflowers and corn. We stopped at a rest stop when we first entered the state and spoke with a nice man with a front gold tooth about the attractions of south Dakota...like a palace made of corn. We didn't stop there but have plans to camp and hike the badlands, see Mt rushmore and the crazy horse monument over the next couple days. We won't have service in the national park so will be unreachable til Thursday, when we head to Denver.
I can't really imagine living on a landscape like this... Sparse trees, and no town centers for hundreds of miles at a time. It's been calming to drive through. We're definitely not in the northeast anymore...

Also, we were very sleepy and giggly when we wrote that last post...


  1. nooo you should have gone to the corn palace! it is one of my top US destinations!
